Saturday, July 6

How To Clear Selected Range Data With VBA

INTRODUCTION: Range Is Used To Define The Start And End Point For A Particular Selection Of Cells. Examples “A1:A5” or “A1” Etc…

  1. Open Excel File
  2. Click Alt + F11
  3. One Dialog Screen Will Get Open
  4. Click Insert And Add Module
  5. Create Sub Procedure
  6. Make Sure The Procedure Name Start With String And Without Space.
  7. Write The Code In Between Sub And Sub End
  8. Click Run Button
  9. By Clicking The Range Data Will Get Select And All Data Will Be Deleted Automatically.
  10. For Only Content Deletion Use Range(“a1:a5”).ClearContents
  11. To Clear All Like Formatting – Data -Etc. Use Range(“a1:a5”).Clear
  12. That’s It 🙂
  13. Please Check The Images And Video For More Info.

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