Thursday, February 20

Author: excelhelp13

Find Error Type With Error.Type Function In Excel

Find Error Type With Error.Type Function In Excel

Error.Type-You can use ERROR.TYPE to check for specific kinds of errors. The Microsoft Excel ERROR.TYPE function returns the numeric number as a result for all types of errors in Excel. it returns a number that corresponds to a specific error value. See table and example below for the error codes returned by ERROR.TYPE. ERRRO_VALUEERROR.Type ReturnsDESCRIPTION#NULL!1This Error Generates When You Refer To An Intersection Of Two Ranges That Do Not Intersect.#DIV/0!2Divided By Zero Value#VALUE!3Incomplete Data Value Or Wrong Data Value In Formula And Function.#REF!4Incorrect Cell Reference Or Cell Deleted Refer To Reference.#NAME?5Incorrect Name Of Cell Or Define Name Of Cell Is Incorrect.#NUM!6Unsupported Number In Excel. This Error Generate Occurs When Excel Encounter An Invalid Number.#...
Sum One Or Other Value In Same Cell With Sumproduct

Sum One Or Other Value In Same Cell With Sumproduct

FORMULAS, Maths, Text
SUMPRODUCT Function Sum The Return Value Of True And False. True = 1 And False = 0. So As Per This Example The Inner Function Which Will Return Canada As True Then SUMPRODUCT Will Add The Value Next To It Then It Will Find Next True And Will Add The Value Next To It And So On. ISNumber Function Check Whether The Value Is Numeric Or Not And Return True Or False. SEARCH Function Search The Cell For A Given Search Criteria And Return The Start Position OF Character.
Vlookup And Indirect On Different Range

Vlookup And Indirect On Different Range

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference
Vlookup function is a vertical lookup function which only lookup from left to right for a given range and criteria. =Vlookup (Lookupvalue, table array (range) , Column index number, 0 for exact match or 1 for partial match. ) Indirect function convert a text to a valid reference. =Indirect("A2") in this bracket A2 is stored as text but using with indirect it will convert the A2 into a cell reference and return the value exist in cell(A2). In this example we will first create a Named Range dropdown list For Country And Item Name, Thereafter once we select country and item name from drop down list Vlookup and Indirect function will return price from particular county and respected item list. Please follow the steps shown below. Select the range of item list and price and gi...
Exclude Specific Value And Count Cell With Sumproduct

Exclude Specific Value And Count Cell With Sumproduct

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference, Maths
DEFINITION:- In this example we will use SUMPRODUCT - ISNA and Match Function to only count the cells which do not match the value for the given reference range in match function with SUMPRODUCT. Explanation:- We have 2 range here A53 :A57 & B53 : B57 now we will use Sumproduct with 2 negative sign (--) before the ISNA and Match Function. it actually convert the value in true and false and count the true value and add it. As a result it will give the number of cell which do not include the value same as in Item Code range & Item code 2 range.
Sumproduct To Sum Monthwise In Excel

Sumproduct To Sum Monthwise In Excel

Date And Time, FORMULAS, Maths
DEFINITION:- In this example we will use Sumproduct and Month Function to Sum the value based on month selection. Sumproduct return sum for a single range and Month function returns month from a given range. To do this we will also take help of hyphens or you can say a 2 minus sign (--) before giving the range reference. It actually convert and check the condition with true and false and return 0 for false and 1 for true. For more detail please check below step with image and video.
Sumproduct And CountIf To Find Missing Value

Sumproduct And CountIf To Find Missing Value

DEFINITION: The Sumproduct Function Multiplies Ranges Or Arrays Together And Returns The Sum Of Products. The Countif function count the number of values occurs in a range or array. Trim function removes the un necessary space from a cell. IN THIS EXAMPLE :- In this example we will use 3 function Sumproduct - Countif - Trim to compare the two database in a range and will find the missing value if they are not available. To refer individually please check this post SUMPRODUCT In EXCEL. / COUNTIF IN EXCEL / TRIM FUNCTION. To do this we will use help of hyphens or you can say a 2 minus sign (--) before giving the range reference. It actually convert and check the condition with true and false and return 0 for false and 1 for true. For more detail please check below step with image an...
Count And Sum With Sumproduct In Excel

Count And Sum With Sumproduct In Excel

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference, Maths
DEFINITION: The Sumproduct Function Multiplies Ranges Or Arrays Together And Returns The Sum Of Products. The main purpose of Sumproduct is to multiply the array or range and then add those value and return the sum of the particulars. To refer individually please check this post SUMPRODUCT In EXCEL. IN THIS EXAMPLE :- In this example we will count the specific search term Shoes in a range and only sum those values if they are available. To do this we will use hyphens or you can say a 2 minus sign (--) before giving the range reference. It actually convert and check the condition with true and false and return 0 for false and 1 for true. For more detail please check below step with image and video.


FORMULAS, Maths, Statistical
DEFINITION:- The Sumproduct Function Multiplies Ranges Or Arrays Together And Returns The Sum Of Products. The main purpose of Sumproduct is to multiply the array or range and then add those value and return the sum of the particulars. SYNTAX:- =SUMPRODUCT (array1, array2, ...) EXAMPLE:-Suppose You Have A Few Items In Stock As Per The Image Below. If You Want To Know How Much The Total Price According To The Quantity, You Should Use The Sumproduct Formula. Explanation: The Sumproduct Function Performs This Calculation: Quantity * Price (2 * 20000) + (3* 15000) + (5 * 12000) + (4 * 9000) + (5*500) = 183500 VALIDATION:- The Ranges Must Have The Same Dimensions Or Excel Will Display The #Value! Error. SINGLE ARRAY:- If You Supply A Single Range Example...