Tuesday, February 18

Author: excelhelp13

SUMIF And INDIRECT To Sum On Multiple Sheet

SUMIF And INDIRECT To Sum On Multiple Sheet

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference, Maths, Statistical
SUMIF function adds all numeric numbers in a given range of cells based on one criteria. Suppose there is name in column A and amount in column B and in column A if a name is repeating more than 1 time and you want to add all the amount It have next to column then Sumif is a best formula to make your work easy. DEFINITON INDIRECT:- INDIRECT function is used in Excel to change over a content string into a legitimate range reference. For example: if you want to lookup what value is available in cell A2 then simply use =INDIRECT(“a2”). Indirect use text reference and actually convert it to reference. So here “a2” is converted to cell(a2). NOTE: - Make sure to change the reference according to your range (database). FORMULA IN EXAMPLE : =SUMIF(INDIRECT(D2&"!$A...
Vlookup And Indirect On Multiple Sheets

Vlookup And Indirect On Multiple Sheets

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference
DEFINITON VLOOKUP:- Vlookup is vertical' lookup built-in Excel function. VLOOKUP is used when you need to find something in a table or a range by row. For example to look up a item price of an any company part by its item code number, or to find an employee name based on their ID. To Separately Viewing Please Visit This Posts VLOOKUP IN EXCEL. INDIRECT IN EXCEL DEFINITON INDIRECT:- INDIRECT function is used in Excel to change over a content string into a legitimate range reference. For example: if you want to lookup what value is available in cell A2 then simply use =INDIRECT("a2"). Indirect use text reference and actually convert it to reference. So here "a2" is converted to cell(a2). In This Example :- We will lookup the Shoes value with Vlookup and Indirect function in all th...
IF With IsNumber And Search Function In Excel

IF With IsNumber And Search Function In Excel

FORMULAS, Logical, Text
IF CONDITION :- With logical IF condition we can check the particular value if existing in a particular cell or not. To know individually Check This Post IF CONDITION IN EXCEL ISNUMBER:- With ISNUMBER function we check whether the cell value is numeric or not. As a result it returns TRUE or FALSE. SEARCH :- SEARCH function check the position of the value from the given cell reference. As a result it gives position number 1 - 2 - 3 etc.. To know individually Check This Post SEARCH FUNCTION IN EXCEL In this example we are looking for a value Shoes from a cell reference A41 to A46 and if the value exist for a particular cell reference we want Shoes to get populated else print Not Found. These can be achieved with IF - ISNUMBER & SEARCH Function in excel. You can also...
Convert Text To Date Format In Excel

Convert Text To Date Format In Excel

Date And Time, FORMULAS, Text
DEFINITION:- Many times we come across the situation where Dates are in text format and not in Date format and even if you change the format to date still its not converted to date format and not working as accepted. So Its only indicate that excel is not recognizing it as dates and because of it it is not working accordingly. But to make sure that excel recognize it as a date we will follow the step as shown below. Select The Range Of Dates Cells.Go To Data Tab.Click On Text To ColumnsHit Next Until It reach to Step 3.In Step 3 You Will Find Date Option.Select The Date Option.Now Select The Correct Format From The Dropdown next To it.Then Hit Finish.That's It :)For More Details Please Check Images And Video Below.
Vlookup Not Working In Excel

Vlookup Not Working In Excel

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference
DEFINITION:- Many times we come across the situation where V-lookup or other formulas not working as accepted and showing error #N/A even the number format is correct for the number values. Its only indicate that excel is not recognizing it as numbers and because of it V-lookup is not working according to this example. But to make sure that excel recognize it as a number we will follow the step as shown below. Select The Range Of Numbers Data. Go To Data Tab. Click On Text To Columns Hit Next Until It each to Step 3. Then Hit Finish. That's It :) For More Details Please Check Images And Video Below.
Filter In Excel

Filter In Excel

Home Menu, Lookup & Reference
DEFINITION:- Filter is a great way to select the data of your choice by applying to a particular database. Filter has many option available for a different criteria and with the help of those option we can extract the data according to our choice. Filter can be applicable on more then one columns. For more details please follow the step below. Open Excel File.First Select The Database To Apply The Filer.Go To Home Tab.Click On Sort & Filet On The Right Side Under Editing Command Tab.Once Clicked You Will See Drop Down List.Click On Filter Option.Once Clicked The Filer Will Get Applied On Database.Go To The Particular Column For Which You Want The Filter To Look in.Select The Criteria And Apply The Filter.Once Applied Only The Selected Criteria Item Will Be Displayed.For More Detai...
SUMIF Time In Excel

SUMIF Time In Excel

Date And Time, FORMULAS
DEFINITION :- SUMIF is a inbuilt function in excel which sum up the multiple values in a proper range with proper given criteria. TIME function is also a inbuilt function which used to measure the time or display the time in excel. In this example we will use SUMIF function to sump up the time values from a different cell on a particular criteria. To know more about sumif and sumifs please check this post SUMIF IN EXCEL & Also SUMIFS IN EXCEL NOTE:- Make sure you have time format set for the output cell. please check the image below.
Find Time Difference In Excel

Find Time Difference In Excel

Date And Time, FORMULAS
DEFINITION:- To find the time difference we can use subtract method from a give two time values. But what if we have date & time together in each cell or both value has in it ? No matter here the TEXT FUNCTION comes in action. With the help of Text function we can first extract the time value from the date and time and then subtract it from one value from another value. Note:- Make sure you have time format set for the output cell. please check the image below.
Get Live Time From Date And Time In Excel

Get Live Time From Date And Time In Excel

Date And Time, FORMULAS
DEFINITION :- To extract the time from time and date there is an wonderful inbuilt function called TEXT FUNCTION. TEXT Function has 2 arguments first is Value and second format value. In this example we will extract a time value from date and time in Hours - Minutes - Seconds format. For more info please check the image and video below. You can format and extract any of the value from HH:MM:SS. Note:- Make sure you have time format set for the out put cell. please check the image below.
Time Function In Excel

Time Function In Excel

Date And Time, FORMULAS
DEFINITION:- The time function is a very much useful function in excel to define the time frame n hours minutes and seconds. It is an inbuilt powerful excel function. How It Works ;- When you add Hours As 25 / Minutes As 120 / Seconds As 120 the time function will automatically adjust it to Minutes To Hours & Seconds Into Minutes. Even If you give negative value to it will adjust automatically by deduction the value from a given place whether a seconds minutes or hours. For Example if you provide =Time(11,30,- 60) It will give you result as 11:29:00 . How To Display:- To display different format you will have to go to format by right click on mouse and adjust the time format according to your requirements. For more details please check image and video below.