Tuesday, February 18


IF Condition In Excel (>) (<) (=) (>=) (<=)

IF Condition In Excel (>) (<) (=) (>=) (<=)

IF condition is used when you want to find the particular value or data on the basis of your requirement. For Ex:- Greater than ( > ) Less than ( < ) Equal To ( = ) Greater Than and Equal To ( >=) Less Than Equal To ( <= ) and many more... So if condition plays a vital role when you want to find the data on Basis of matching condition. If the condition match then the output should be this and that. :) PARAMETER : ( Logical Test, Value If True. Value If False ) USE: IF ( Cell Value > Some Amount or Less than or Equal to , Yes , NO ) Formula Ex: =IF ( B2 > 500,"Yes","No") / =IF ( A3 < 500,"Yes","No" ) / =IF ( A4 >= 500,"Yes","No" ) / =IF ( A5 <= 500,"Yes","No" )
IF Condition In Excel

IF Condition In Excel

IF formula is used for a logical test to give one value for a TRUE result and another for a FALSE result. For example, if the value is less then 50 then average else good. You can use nested IF condition. Example shown below in image FORMULA: =IF(A2>50,"Good","Average")