Tuesday, February 18


Translate Text into a different Language in excel

Translate Text into a different Language in excel

Menu Bar, Review, tips & Tricks
Excel Translate is a function that converts text in one language to another language. Mostly English language is used to present the data. However, you can change the default English language content to your own language. Steps- Select cell and Go to Review Tab Click on Translate 3. On the right-hand side, you will see the dialog box. 4. In the Search for, You will see the text of the selected cell. Or type the word you want to convert. 5. Select From - To language in the dialog box. 6. Click  on Start Searching button.   7. It will translate the in Hindi as it is the selected translate language for this example..You can choose your language as per requirement. 8. If you click on Insert, it will insert the converted text to the activ...