Count Cells Between Two Dates
To count the number of cells that contain values between two specified dates in Excel, you can use the excel COUNTIFS function.
Please follow the steps given below and in the image:
Select a blank cell where you want to display the result or follow the image.
As per the example shown in the image, if you want to count the number of laptop that between 25-03-2023 and 30-03-2023 in the range B4:B8, you would use the formula as per this example.
Note : Make sure to change the range as per your list.
Type the formula =COUNTIFS($A$4:$A$8,E4,$B$4:$B$8,">="&F4,$B$4:$B$8,"<="&G4) into the cell H4, where "range" is the range of cells you want to search, "E4" is the Item name, "F4" is the minimum Date and G4 is maximum date. H4 is the result cell where it display t...