Monday, March 31

Tag: countif in excel

Vlookup And Countif In Excel

Vlookup And Countif In Excel

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference
VLOOKUP & COUNTIF -plays a vital role when they both are applied together. Vlookup has limited power. Suppose the lookup value is available more then one time in the specific table or a range then vlookup will pick the the first matching value it found and so as a result you won't get the exact match in some cases or you might be unaware of duplicate value available in a database. Here Countif plays a vital role Countif function check the lookup value in the database and as result it shows how many times that value occurs in a particular database or for a given range. NOTE: The lookup value must be the exact text or numeric number. PARAMETER VLOOKUP: - (Lookup Value, Table Reference, Column Index, 0) 0 - For Exact Match) PARAMETER COUNTIF: - (Range , Criteria) FORM...


FORMULAS, Statistical
COUNTIF plays an vital role and as a result you get to know exactly how may times the value or specific word or number available in database (array). You can see how many times the criteria name available in under shown image and video explanation So at end you will be fully clarified that this particular terms exist this may times in a database and on that basis as a result you can figure it out and remove the unnecessary duplication entry. PARAMETER: = COUNTIF ( range , criteria ) IMPLEMENT : Select the range of your database, then select the criteria you want to find or simply type the criteria into double quote as explained in video. FORMULA : =COUNTIF(A2:A8,B2)