Tuesday, February 18

Tag: Excel count function

COUNT Function In Excel

COUNT Function In Excel

FORMULAS, Statistical
Count function count how many numeric value are available in a selected range. If selected range is A2:B8 and if any cell contains text or it contain numeric value together with text or the cell is empty then the Count function will ignore all that in selected range and will count the cells that only contains the pure numeric value.. You Can also select the different range by giving separate reference . PARAMETER: =COUNT ( Value1, Value2 , Value3 ) ...... FORMULA = COUNT ( A2 : B4 , A5,:B8)


FORMULAS, Statistical
COUNTA counts the number of cells in a database (array) that are not empty. Suppose you select range A2 : C6 and in that range if 2 cells are empty then COUNTA function will not count those cells and give you the numeric result of the cells that contains any value text or numbers. You can also check by entering different range. For Example A2 : C6 + D2 : E6. Example shown in image and video PARAMETER: =COUNTA ( Value1, Value2, Value3 ) IMPLEMENT: Select the range either in value1 if your database is at the same location. But if you want to check in different range then use like this =COUNTA ( A2:B4 , A5:B8) if more you can add more range too. FORMULA (1) : =COUNTA(A2:B6) FORMULA (2): =COUNTA ( A2:B4 , A5:B8)