Saturday, March 29

Tag: excel help

Multiple IF Condition With IFS Function In Excel

Multiple IF Condition With IFS Function In Excel

IFS function is used when we want to test / check multiple criteria for the same cell value as we have used in the below mentioned example. This condition is also known as Nested IF condition. But The IFS condition make it much easier to use in comparison to Normal Nested IF condition. Note : In IFS function if the result is not TRUE or we can say none of the passed condition/criteria matched it returns #N/A error. Syntax : IFS(logical_test1, value_if_true1, [logical_test2, value_if_true2],[logical_test3, value_if_true3]… ) FORMULA =IFS(B4<35,"FAIL",B4<=40,"D",B4<50,"C",B4<=60,"B",B4>70,"A")
Translate Text into a different Language in excel

Translate Text into a different Language in excel

Menu Bar, Review, tips & Tricks
Excel Translate is a function that converts text in one language to another language. Mostly English language is used to present the data. However, you can change the default English language content to your own language. Steps- Select cell and Go to Review Tab Click on Translate 3. On the right-hand side, you will see the dialog box. 4. In the Search for, You will see the text of the selected cell. Or type the word you want to convert. 5. Select From - To language in the dialog box. 6. Click  on Start Searching button.   7. It will translate the in Hindi as it is the selected translate language for this example..You can choose your language as per requirement. 8. If you click on Insert, it will insert the converted text to the activ...
Insert multiple rows in one click

Insert multiple rows in one click

tips & Tricks
Usually Insert Row command Insert only one Row at One time. But you can Insert multiple Rows in one click in Excel. Follow the steps below. Usually insert row command is insert only one row at one time. But you can insert multiple rows in one click in Excel. Follow the steps below. STEPS: Select the same number of rows as you want to insert. For example, if you want to insert 4 blank rows, select 4 rows.Right click on it.Click on insert. 4. Blank rows will be inserted above the selected rows. Note- if there is data in the selected rows, it’s ok. Because that data will not get deleted.
ISERROR Function In Excel To Check Error

ISERROR Function In Excel To Check Error

FORMULAS, More Functions
The ISERROR Function Will Return True If The Reference Cell Or Given Value Is An Error And Will Return False If It Is Not An Error For A Given Cell Reference Or Value. It Works On Errors Are #N/A, #Value!, #Ref!, #Div/0!, #Num!, #Name? And #Null. To Know More About All This ERROR Type Please Visit This Post. ERROR TYPE For Example, Let See The Results From The ISERROR Function When We Provide The Following Data.
ISERR Function In Excel

ISERR Function In Excel

FORMULAS, More Functions
DEFINITION:- Excel ISERR Function Can Be Used To Check For Error Values, Except #N/A. The ISERR Function Returns True If The Cell Or Any Value Is Any Error Value Except #N/A. This ISERR Function Includes The Error Type Are #Value!, #Ref!, #Div/0!, #Num!, #Name?, And #Null Error. Otherwise It Will Return False. To Know More About All This ERROR Type Please Visit This Post. ERROR TYPE For Example Let See The Results From The Function When We Provide The Following Data. SYNTAX- = ISERR(VALUE)
INFO Function To Know Environment Of Excel

INFO Function To Know Environment Of Excel

DEFINITION:-The Excel Info Function Returns Information About All The Current Environment In Excel Application Including Platform, Version Of Excel, Number Of Active Worksheets In An Active Workbook And So On. To Use The Info Function In Excel Supply The Type Of Information And Excel Will Provide The Result In Text There Are Seven Types Of Information Available. TypeInformationSyntaxDIRECTORYPath Of The Current Directory.=INFO(“DIRECTORY”)NUMFILENumber Of Active Worksheets.=INFO(“NUMFILE”)ORIGINThe Cell That Is In The Top, Left-Most Cell Visible In The Current Excel Spreadsheet.=INFO(“ORIGIN”)OSVERSIONOperating System Version.=INFO(“OSVERSION”)RECALCReturns The Recalculation Mode - Either Automatic Or Manual=INFO(“RECALC”)RELEASEVersion Of Excel That You Are Running.=INFO(“RELEASE”)SYST...
Vlookup And Indirect On Different Range

Vlookup And Indirect On Different Range

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference
Vlookup function is a vertical lookup function which only lookup from left to right for a given range and criteria. =Vlookup (Lookupvalue, table array (range) , Column index number, 0 for exact match or 1 for partial match. ) Indirect function convert a text to a valid reference. =Indirect("A2") in this bracket A2 is stored as text but using with indirect it will convert the A2 into a cell reference and return the value exist in cell(A2). In this example we will first create a Named Range dropdown list For Country And Item Name, Thereafter once we select country and item name from drop down list Vlookup and Indirect function will return price from particular county and respected item list. Please follow the steps shown below. Select the range of item list and price and gi...
Exclude Specific Value And Count Cell With Sumproduct

Exclude Specific Value And Count Cell With Sumproduct

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference, Maths
DEFINITION:- In this example we will use SUMPRODUCT - ISNA and Match Function to only count the cells which do not match the value for the given reference range in match function with SUMPRODUCT. Explanation:- We have 2 range here A53 :A57 & B53 : B57 now we will use Sumproduct with 2 negative sign (--) before the ISNA and Match Function. it actually convert the value in true and false and count the true value and add it. As a result it will give the number of cell which do not include the value same as in Item Code range & Item code 2 range.