Tuesday, February 18

Tag: excel help in excel

Vlookup with IF Condition

Vlookup with IF Condition

FORMULAS, Logical, Lookup & Reference
When using V-lookup with If logical condition it will determine that when a v-lookup should process and display a result. For Ex: with the help of If condition a user can decide that if a certain value exist then only apply a V-lookup else display a custom message or error. So its very much benefit to use both the function together.
INDIRECT Function In Excel

INDIRECT Function In Excel

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference
INDIRECT function is used in Excel to change over a content string into a legitimate range reference. For example: if you want to find the value of cell A2 then simply use =INDIRECT("a2") or if you have a reference in any cell as we have here in F column simply select that and it will give you the value available in that reference. Clarification: the equation above lessens to =SUM(INDIRECT("a2:c2")). The INDIRECT function add the value of both cells and the content string "a2:c2" converts to a legitimate range reference


There is a Simple way of finding the percentage. Multiply the obtain marks , score or anything you have scored out of the total scoreboard then multiply the value into 100 and divide the sum of total scoreboard value and as a result the value found will be your percentage. For example there are 4 subject of 100 marks each so sum of total marks = 400 and assume that 1 student got 60 marks each in every 4 subject so in total he obtain 240 marks from sum of total 400 marks. So as a result the Formula will be Obtain marks * 100 / Total Marks. = 240 *100 / 400 = 60% According to math for finding percentage is to divide the numerator by the denominator then multiply the output with 100. Suppose you want to find the percentage of 50/100 then divide 50 with 100 the answer will be 1/2 the multip...
NESTED IF Condition In Excel

NESTED IF Condition In Excel

'Nested If Condition is used to check multiple criteria in the different columns, rows or for the same cell reference. And if the criteria matches you can define what should be the outcome basis on your requirement. Here we will study the nested if condition to check the grade base upon the marks obtained in the 4 subject. We will check the percentage column to identify the percentage outcome and on that basis we will provide the grade. Distinction - First Class - Average - Bad… Here we have used a simple example to understood the nested if condition easily. Here we only applied the condition on single cell to find out the grade on the base of percentage. But nested if condition can also be used for the different cell reference to get the outcome accordingly. '


Excel SUBTOTAL function returns the subtotal of the numeric values in a column from a database. Excel SUBTOTAL function is used as part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet for column or row according to your database. Subtotal has several different types of option available with unique code which you can use it with some of them are SUM, COUNT, COUNTA and many more for auto calculate.
INDEX And MATCH Function

INDEX And MATCH Function

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference
The INDEX MATCH is the combination of two functions in Excel. It looks both the side right and left while Vlookup only lookup in right direction. So its very useful for dynamic lookup reference for the large database. =INDEX() returns the value of a cell in a table based on the column and row number and =MATCH() returns the position of a cell in a row or column.' You can also create a drop down for Product Sku and Model Name / Price
IF Condition In Excel (>) (<) (=) (>=) (<=)

IF Condition In Excel (>) (<) (=) (>=) (<=)

IF condition is used when you want to find the particular value or data on the basis of your requirement. For Ex:- Greater than ( > ) Less than ( < ) Equal To ( = ) Greater Than and Equal To ( >=) Less Than Equal To ( <= ) and many more... So if condition plays a vital role when you want to find the data on Basis of matching condition. If the condition match then the output should be this and that. :) PARAMETER : ( Logical Test, Value If True. Value If False ) USE: IF ( Cell Value > Some Amount or Less than or Equal to , Yes , NO ) Formula Ex: =IF ( B2 > 500,"Yes","No") / =IF ( A3 < 500,"Yes","No" ) / =IF ( A4 >= 500,"Yes","No" ) / =IF ( A5 <= 500,"Yes","No" )


FORMULAS, Statistical
COUNTIFS- is used to determine how many time the Same value is available in the particular selected database in sheet. It will give the result by counting that this Criteria or Value or Name is available this many time in this database. This comes in use when you want to check more then one criteria. EX: how many data are there those ID - NAME AND GENDER are Same Basically the Countifs is used when you want to count on the basis of more than one criteria. You can also find on the basis of different sheet reference simply you have to provide the reference same as you do in single sheet. Countifs is really a best function in excel. PARAMETER:- (Criteria_range_1, Criteria 1, Criteria_range_2, Criteria 2 and so on ........... FORMULA =COUNTIFS(B2:D9,"Ram")