Tuesday, February 18

Tag: excel help

Convert Text To Lowercase Propercase & Uppercase

Convert Text To Lowercase Propercase & Uppercase

LOWER CASE:- With the help of Lower Case formula you can convert the text into lower case from Upper case or Proper case or Improper text available in any cell. It means every letter will be convert to lower case. (a b c d) UPPER CASE:- With the help of Upper Case formula you can convert the text into Upper case from Lower case or Proper case or Improper text available in any cell. It means every letter will be convert to Upper case. (A B C D) PROPER CASE:- With the help of Proper Case formula you can convert the text into Proper case from Upper case or Lower case or Improper text available in any cell. It means every letter will be convert to Proper case. (a b c d ) TO Abcd PARAMETER:- =UPPER ( Reference Cell No) / =LOWER( Reference Cell No) / =PROPER ( Refe...


Excel SUBTOTAL function returns the subtotal of the numeric values in a column from a database. Excel SUBTOTAL function is used as part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet for column or row according to your database. Subtotal has several different types of option available with unique code which you can use it with some of them are SUM, COUNT, COUNTA and many more for auto calculate.
INDEX And MATCH Function

INDEX And MATCH Function

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference
The INDEX MATCH is the combination of two functions in Excel. It looks both the side right and left while Vlookup only lookup in right direction. So its very useful for dynamic lookup reference for the large database. =INDEX() returns the value of a cell in a table based on the column and row number and =MATCH() returns the position of a cell in a row or column.' You can also create a drop down for Product Sku and Model Name / Price
IF Condition In Excel (>) (<) (=) (>=) (<=)

IF Condition In Excel (>) (<) (=) (>=) (<=)

IF condition is used when you want to find the particular value or data on the basis of your requirement. For Ex:- Greater than ( > ) Less than ( < ) Equal To ( = ) Greater Than and Equal To ( >=) Less Than Equal To ( <= ) and many more... So if condition plays a vital role when you want to find the data on Basis of matching condition. If the condition match then the output should be this and that. :) PARAMETER : ( Logical Test, Value If True. Value If False ) USE: IF ( Cell Value > Some Amount or Less than or Equal to , Yes , NO ) Formula Ex: =IF ( B2 > 500,"Yes","No") / =IF ( A3 < 500,"Yes","No" ) / =IF ( A4 >= 500,"Yes","No" ) / =IF ( A5 <= 500,"Yes","No" )


FORMULAS, Statistical
COUNTIFS- is used to determine how many time the Same value is available in the particular selected database in sheet. It will give the result by counting that this Criteria or Value or Name is available this many time in this database. This comes in use when you want to check more then one criteria. EX: how many data are there those ID - NAME AND GENDER are Same Basically the Countifs is used when you want to count on the basis of more than one criteria. You can also find on the basis of different sheet reference simply you have to provide the reference same as you do in single sheet. Countifs is really a best function in excel. PARAMETER:- (Criteria_range_1, Criteria 1, Criteria_range_2, Criteria 2 and so on ........... FORMULA =COUNTIFS(B2:D9,"Ram")
Vlookup And Countif In Excel

Vlookup And Countif In Excel

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference
VLOOKUP & COUNTIF -plays a vital role when they both are applied together. Vlookup has limited power. Suppose the lookup value is available more then one time in the specific table or a range then vlookup will pick the the first matching value it found and so as a result you won't get the exact match in some cases or you might be unaware of duplicate value available in a database. Here Countif plays a vital role Countif function check the lookup value in the database and as result it shows how many times that value occurs in a particular database or for a given range. NOTE: The lookup value must be the exact text or numeric number. PARAMETER VLOOKUP: - (Lookup Value, Table Reference, Column Index, 0) 0 - For Exact Match) PARAMETER COUNTIF: - (Range , Criteria) FORM...
IF Condition In Excel

IF Condition In Excel

IF formula is used for a logical test to give one value for a TRUE result and another for a FALSE result. For example, if the value is less then 50 then average else good. You can use nested IF condition. Example shown below in image FORMULA: =IF(A2>50,"Good","Average")
LEN Function In Excel

LEN Function In Excel

LEN function determine the total length of a string, word, number, or sentence available in excel cell. Please note that it also count the space between the string, words, number or sentence.Please see example below in image. FORMULA: =LEN(A2)
MATCH Function In Excel

MATCH Function In Excel

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference
MATCH function is used to find a specified reference value position in a range of cells, and then returns the position of that reference value. Always remember that match function only take a single column or single row as a lookup array(range). Match parameter ( Lookup Value, Lookup array, 0 (For exact match) )  (1)  FOR COLUMN DATA Example given below in image. FORMULA COLUMN: =MATCH(B2,A2:A4,0) (2) FOR ROW DATA Example given below in image. FORMULA ROW: =MATCH(B2,B1:D1,0)
MID Function In Excel

MID Function In Excel

MID function in excel is text function which is used to find out strings from any mid part of the sentence in excel. Mid function require the cell reference from which the text need to be extract, start number from which character need to be start , and number of character which need to be extract. NOTE: This function count the space too. So in the result it will include a space too. FORMULA: =MID(B2,7,4)