Monday, January 27

Tag: excel percentage

COUNT Function In Excel

COUNT Function In Excel

FORMULAS, Statistical
Count function count how many numeric value are available in a selected range. If selected range is A2:B8 and if any cell contains text or it contain numeric value together with text or the cell is empty then the Count function will ignore all that in selected range and will count the cells that only contains the pure numeric value.. You Can also select the different range by giving separate reference . PARAMETER: =COUNT ( Value1, Value2 , Value3 ) ...... FORMULA = COUNT ( A2 : B4 , A5,:B8)


FORMULAS, Statistical
COUNT BLANK count the cells that are empty or not having any values from the database (array) available in excel sheet. Count Blank will give you the exact result from the selected range that how many cells are empty in this excel sheet. Example shown in the image below. PARAMETER: = COUNTBLANK ( RANGE ) IMPLEMENT: Use the function to select the range you want to find the blank cell and its done. FORMULA : =COUNTBLANK(A2:B8)


FORMULAS, Statistical
COUNTIF plays an vital role and as a result you get to know exactly how may times the value or specific word or number available in database (array). You can see how many times the criteria name available in under shown image and video explanation So at end you will be fully clarified that this particular terms exist this may times in a database and on that basis as a result you can figure it out and remove the unnecessary duplication entry. PARAMETER: = COUNTIF ( range , criteria ) IMPLEMENT : Select the range of your database, then select the criteria you want to find or simply type the criteria into double quote as explained in video. FORMULA : =COUNTIF(A2:A8,B2)