Wednesday, March 12

Tag: how to count cell that only contain text

Count Cells That Contains Text

Count Cells That Contains Text

To count the number of cells that contain text between specified list or range of cell in Excel, you can use the excel COUNTIF function. Please follow the steps given below and in the image: Select a blank cell where you want to display the result or follow the image. As per the example shown in the image, if you want to count the number of Cells that contain text in the range B4:B8, you would use the formula as per this example. Note : Make sure to change the range as per your list. Type the formula "=COUNTIF(A4:A8,"*") into the cell were you want to have the result. In this example the range is (A4:A8). But you should change the range according to your list / cell range. NOTE : This will also count the blank cells too as a text so you must check and remove the ...