Saturday, February 22

Tag: if condition with search function

IF With IsNumber And Search Function In Excel

IF With IsNumber And Search Function In Excel

FORMULAS, Logical, Text
IF CONDITION :- With logical IF condition we can check the particular value if existing in a particular cell or not. To know individually Check This Post IF CONDITION IN EXCEL ISNUMBER:- With ISNUMBER function we check whether the cell value is numeric or not. As a result it returns TRUE or FALSE. SEARCH :- SEARCH function check the position of the value from the given cell reference. As a result it gives position number 1 - 2 - 3 etc.. To know individually Check This Post SEARCH FUNCTION IN EXCEL In this example we are looking for a value Shoes from a cell reference A41 to A46 and if the value exist for a particular cell reference we want Shoes to get populated else print Not Found. These can be achieved with IF - ISNUMBER & SEARCH Function in excel. You can also...