Tuesday, February 18

Tag: Len function in excel

Extract Text Using Left – Right – Find – and LEN Function In Excel

Extract Text Using Left – Right – Find – and LEN Function In Excel

For extracting specific text from a particular sentence or a word please follow the step shown below. TO EXTRACT FROM LEFT Here we have a list of Emails in the excel sheet and we want to find and extract the text before the character @ from the email id Example01@hHotmail.comFor that we need 2 function LEFT and FINDLEFT FUNCTION Looks and start from left side.FIND FUNCTION find the specific character from the reference text.Use Formula =LEFT(A2,FIND("@",A2,1) But this will extract the character "@" too. Result = Example01@But not to worry for that simply minus (-) 1 character. Formula =LEFT(A2,FIND("@",A2,1)-1) Result = Example01For example please see the image and video provided below. TO EXTRACT FROM RIGHT Here we have a list of Emails in the excel sheet and we want to find ...
LEN Function In Excel

LEN Function In Excel

LEN function determine the total length of a string, word, number, or sentence available in excel cell. Please note that it also count the space between the string, words, number or sentence.Please see example below in image. FORMULA: =LEN(A2)