Monday, March 3

Tag: use of countif in excel

Vlookup And Countif In Excel

Vlookup And Countif In Excel

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference
VLOOKUP & COUNTIF -plays a vital role when they both are applied together. Vlookup has limited power. Suppose the lookup value is available more then one time in the specific table or a range then vlookup will pick the the first matching value it found and so as a result you won't get the exact match in some cases or you might be unaware of duplicate value available in a database. Here Countif plays a vital role Countif function check the lookup value in the database and as result it shows how many times that value occurs in a particular database or for a given range. NOTE: The lookup value must be the exact text or numeric number. PARAMETER VLOOKUP: - (Lookup Value, Table Reference, Column Index, 0) 0 - For Exact Match) PARAMETER COUNTIF: - (Range , Criteria) FORM...