Saturday, March 29

Tag: vlookup in excel



FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference
Please follow the step shown below with images. This can be used when you want to check or analyze the data with different criteria and luckily excel has two great function to make this possible VLOOKUP 2. SUBTOTAL. Let's begin. We have Stock details of LCD, Keyboard, Mouse, Printer etc. From which we need certain types of information separately. Which we will get using VLOOKUP with SUBTOTAL. Follow the steps below. Create a subtotal Functions table in your worksheet. To create a list of subtotal functions, select cell C20 or according to your choice and adjustment you can change cell until it reference correctly. Then Go to DATA tab >> Data Validation. Select list in the dialog box that opens. Select H5:H11 in the source. Click ok. 4. The list of ...
Vlookup And Indirect On Different Range

Vlookup And Indirect On Different Range

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference
Vlookup function is a vertical lookup function which only lookup from left to right for a given range and criteria. =Vlookup (Lookupvalue, table array (range) , Column index number, 0 for exact match or 1 for partial match. ) Indirect function convert a text to a valid reference. =Indirect("A2") in this bracket A2 is stored as text but using with indirect it will convert the A2 into a cell reference and return the value exist in cell(A2). In this example we will first create a Named Range dropdown list For Country And Item Name, Thereafter once we select country and item name from drop down list Vlookup and Indirect function will return price from particular county and respected item list. Please follow the steps shown below. Select the range of item list and price and gi...
Vlookup Not Working In Excel

Vlookup Not Working In Excel

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference
DEFINITION:- Many times we come across the situation where V-lookup or other formulas not working as accepted and showing error #N/A even the number format is correct for the number values. Its only indicate that excel is not recognizing it as numbers and because of it V-lookup is not working according to this example. But to make sure that excel recognize it as a number we will follow the step as shown below. Select The Range Of Numbers Data. Go To Data Tab. Click On Text To Columns Hit Next Until It each to Step 3. Then Hit Finish. That's It :) For More Details Please Check Images And Video Below.


FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference
Vlookup is vertical' lookup built-in Excel function that work with array(data) that is available in excel columns. This function look-up or check the value in single column of database available in excel and returns the corresponding value from another column. The Image showing the exact example of it. PARAMETER : = VLOOKUP ( Lookup Value, Table array, Column Index, 0 or False (Exact Match) ) (more…)