Friday, February 21


SUMIFS function adds all numeric values in a given range of cells based on more then one criteria. In this function you have to give first sum range ( from which we need to get the total ) then criteria range ( Name column range ) and then criteria1 and then criteria range 2 then criteria 2 (36). Example given in image below.

PARAMETER: = SUMIFS ( Sum Range, Criteria Range, Criteria 1, Criteria Range 2, Criteria 2 )

IMPLEMENT: Here the auditor want to know that in this year how many car sold for Maruti Swift and if sold he want a total of the price sold. So the sumifs will take Sum range column (C) and range1 column (A) and 2 criteria 1st (Column D) Criteria range 2 Column (B) and criteria2 Column (E)

FORMULA: =SUMIFS(C2:C11,A2:A11,D2,B2:B11,E2)

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