Tuesday, February 18


Multiple IF Condition With IFS Function In Excel

Multiple IF Condition With IFS Function In Excel

IFS function is used when we want to test / check multiple criteria for the same cell value as we have used in the below mentioned example. This condition is also known as Nested IF condition. But The IFS condition make it much easier to use in comparison to Normal Nested IF condition. Note : In IFS function if the result is not TRUE or we can say none of the passed condition/criteria matched it returns #N/A error. Syntax : IFS(logical_test1, value_if_true1, [logical_test2, value_if_true2],[logical_test3, value_if_true3]… ) FORMULA =IFS(B4<35,"FAIL",B4<=40,"D",B4<50,"C",B4<=60,"B",B4>70,"A")
IF With OR Function To Get Result From Multiple Criteria

IF With OR Function To Get Result From Multiple Criteria

To get the specific output by matching the multiple criteria we can use Logical IF With And Function. The Logical IF used to populate the result if the OR Function result in True or False. The OR Function check the two matching criteria provided to evaluate the condition and result in TRUE or FALSE. Here we are checking that if the student name is Juan or the subject is English the result should be "Selected" else "Not Eligible". We can also provide the reference in place of "Selected" And "Not Eligible". Please check the image below. FORMULA : =IF(OR(A3="Juan",B3="English"),"Selected","Not Eleigible")FORMULA : =IF(OR(A3="Juan",B3="English"), A4,"Not Eleigible")
IF With And Function To Get Result From Multiple Criteria

IF With And Function To Get Result From Multiple Criteria

To get the specific output by matching the multiple criteria we can use Logical IF With And Function. The Logical IF used to populate the result if the AND function result in True or False. The AND function check the two matching criteria provided to evaluate the condition and result in TRUE or FALSE. Here we are checking that if the student name is Juan and the subject is English the result should be "Selected" else "Not Eligible". We can also provide the reference in place of "Selected" And "Not Eligible". Please check the image below. FORMULA : =IF(AND(A3="Juan",B3="English"),"Selected","Not Eleigible")FORMULA : =IF(AND(A3="Juan",B3="English"), A4,"Not Eleigible")
IF With IsNumber And Search Function In Excel

IF With IsNumber And Search Function In Excel

FORMULAS, Logical, Text
IF CONDITION :- With logical IF condition we can check the particular value if existing in a particular cell or not. To know individually Check This Post IF CONDITION IN EXCEL ISNUMBER:- With ISNUMBER function we check whether the cell value is numeric or not. As a result it returns TRUE or FALSE. SEARCH :- SEARCH function check the position of the value from the given cell reference. As a result it gives position number 1 - 2 - 3 etc.. To know individually Check This Post SEARCH FUNCTION IN EXCEL In this example we are looking for a value Shoes from a cell reference A41 to A46 and if the value exist for a particular cell reference we want Shoes to get populated else print Not Found. These can be achieved with IF - ISNUMBER & SEARCH Function in excel. You can also...
Compare Time Using If Formula

Compare Time Using If Formula

Logical, Statistical
First Select Any Of The Cell For Output Result. Apply The Formula '=IF(TIME(11,17,30)=D2,"Yes","No") Make Sure That Time After 12:00 Hr Is 13:00 As By Default The Time Value Is In 24 Hrs Format. If You Change The Format To 12 Hrs Then It Fine to Have 01;00 Hrs. But Its Vary With Time Formats. As A Result You Can Choose The Output With If Formula. That's It: :)
DATA VALIDATION Restrict User to add any data for a specific cell or range.

DATA VALIDATION Restrict User to add any data for a specific cell or range.

FORMULAS, Logical, Text
For Creating DATA VALIDATION Restrict User to add any data for a specific cell or range. please follow the few step shown below. Select a cell where you want to have restriction for user to not enter any data.Go to Data TabGo to Data Validation and click on it and one dialog box will pop up.Select Custom from that dialog box and go down one step into Formula row in that dialog box.Now enter the Formula For example :- =B2="EXCEL HELP"Once added the formula just hit ok button in the dialog box and its done.NOW B2 Cell will only accept the value EXCEL HELPNow for that particular range or a single cell user cannot enter any other value then the cell contain already.If you want to show a message when a user select the restricted cell just go to Input message next to setting in the dialog box...
AND Function In Excel

AND Function In Excel

AND Function is a logical function in excel. Basically AND Function is used to fulfill more than 1 criteria and show result in the form of TRUE or FALSE. If a single criteria is not matching then as a result it will give you false. Suppose if you want to find the logical condition true or false as per example shown in image You can also use this AND function with other function in excel like SUM, Count, Countif, Countifs and many more.
Vlookup with IF Condition

Vlookup with IF Condition

FORMULAS, Logical, Lookup & Reference
When using V-lookup with If logical condition it will determine that when a v-lookup should process and display a result. For Ex: with the help of If condition a user can decide that if a certain value exist then only apply a V-lookup else display a custom message or error. So its very much benefit to use both the function together.
IFERROR With Vlookup

IFERROR With Vlookup

IFERROR is used to add a custom remarks or note when no data found or any error occurs for any formula used in excel. Simply you have to add IFERROR before any formula and at the end just add your custom text into double quote and it will not show any #N/A, Error False.
NESTED IF Condition In Excel

NESTED IF Condition In Excel

'Nested If Condition is used to check multiple criteria in the different columns, rows or for the same cell reference. And if the criteria matches you can define what should be the outcome basis on your requirement. Here we will study the nested if condition to check the grade base upon the marks obtained in the 4 subject. We will check the percentage column to identify the percentage outcome and on that basis we will provide the grade. Distinction - First Class - Average - Bad… Here we have used a simple example to understood the nested if condition easily. Here we only applied the condition on single cell to find out the grade on the base of percentage. But nested if condition can also be used for the different cell reference to get the outcome accordingly. '