Friday, February 28


Convert Text To Lowercase Propercase & Uppercase

Convert Text To Lowercase Propercase & Uppercase

LOWER CASE:- With the help of Lower Case formula you can convert the text into lower case from Upper case or Proper case or Improper text available in any cell. It means every letter will be convert to lower case. (a b c d) UPPER CASE:- With the help of Upper Case formula you can convert the text into Upper case from Lower case or Proper case or Improper text available in any cell. It means every letter will be convert to Upper case. (A B C D) PROPER CASE:- With the help of Proper Case formula you can convert the text into Proper case from Upper case or Lower case or Improper text available in any cell. It means every letter will be convert to Proper case. (a b c d ) TO Abcd PARAMETER:- =UPPER ( Reference Cell No) / =LOWER( Reference Cell No) / =PROPER ( Refe...
TRIM Function In Exel

TRIM Function In Exel

TRIM function is used to remove more then one space between the 2 words , sentence , In simple language its used to remove unnecessary space. And its very useful when you use to match the two data in different cell. . Example Shown in below image. FORMULA =TRIM(A2)
LEN Function In Excel

LEN Function In Excel

LEN function determine the total length of a string, word, number, or sentence available in excel cell. Please note that it also count the space between the string, words, number or sentence.Please see example below in image. FORMULA: =LEN(A2)
MID Function In Excel

MID Function In Excel

MID function in excel is text function which is used to find out strings from any mid part of the sentence in excel. Mid function require the cell reference from which the text need to be extract, start number from which character need to be start , and number of character which need to be extract. NOTE: This function count the space too. So in the result it will include a space too. FORMULA: =MID(B2,7,4)
LEFT Function In Excel

LEFT Function In Excel

LEFT function is used to extract the specific number of letter or a word from a particular cell. It has only two parameter.First cell reference and second number of character. Left function extract from left starting position. For example "Excel help is a great website" and now if someone need to extract only Excel or Excel help then Left function is the best choice to use it. Example shown below in image and video FORMULA; =LEFT(A2,5)
SEARCH Function In Excel

SEARCH Function In Excel

SEARCH function is used to find the position of the word or a character for the given cell reference similar as similar to Find function. Suppose in Cell A3 the text is :- Excel help is the best website and i want to Search that on which position "help" standing then Search function is the best choice to use in place of find function as its not a case sensitive function.. So As a result i will give 7 because help stand on 7th position. Example given below in image. FORMULA: =SEARCH(B2,A2,1)
FIND Function In Excel

FIND Function In Excel

FIND function find the position of the word or a character for the given cell reference. Find function is a case sensitive. Example given below in image. PARAMETER: = FIND ( FIND TEXT, WITHIN TEXT, START NUMBER) FORMULA : = FIND(B2,A2,1)
CONCATENATE Function In Excel

CONCATENATE Function In Excel

CONCATENATE function join the two text from different cell. Suppose in cell A2 is Ram and in cell B2 is Laxman and you want to join cell A2 text and Cell B2 text you will use concatenate function of excel. But the concatenate function don't keep a space between two words when it join the text from different cell. So if you want to add a space just add & " " to keep a space between two words. You can join as many text you want from any cells and also custom text by adding it in double quote. Example given below in image, PARAMETER: = CONCATENATE (TEXT 1, TEXT 2 , TEXT 3 ) IMPLEMENT: Concatenate is used to join two text. Note: it join the text without keeping the space so if you want to to put a space between two text please use double quotes after Text 1 = Concatenate (Text ...