Tuesday, February 18

Tag: excel formula example

VLOOKUP In Excel using Different Sheet

VLOOKUP In Excel using Different Sheet

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference
TO use V-lookup on different sheet and extract the data from different sheet please follow the mentioned step below. V-LOOKUP is a vertical lookup formula in excel. V-LOOKUP only looks from left to right. It always take a lookup reference from first column and give result from the column index selected. Let's understand with the example. In this example we need to extract the EMAIL ID From sheet 2 with the help of V-lookup. STEP-1 Select THE CELL STEP-2 =Vlookup( Lookup value , go to sheet 2 and select the table, provide the column index number where Email exist, 0 ( For exact match) HIT ENTER.
Extract Text Using Left – Right – Find – and LEN Function In Excel

Extract Text Using Left – Right – Find – and LEN Function In Excel

For extracting specific text from a particular sentence or a word please follow the step shown below. TO EXTRACT FROM LEFT Here we have a list of Emails in the excel sheet and we want to find and extract the text before the character @ from the email id Example01@hHotmail.comFor that we need 2 function LEFT and FINDLEFT FUNCTION Looks and start from left side.FIND FUNCTION find the specific character from the reference text.Use Formula =LEFT(A2,FIND("@",A2,1) But this will extract the character "@" too. Result = Example01@But not to worry for that simply minus (-) 1 character. Formula =LEFT(A2,FIND("@",A2,1)-1) Result = Example01For example please see the image and video provided below. TO EXTRACT FROM RIGHT Here we have a list of Emails in the excel sheet and we want to find ...
EXTRACT TEXT With LEN() and RIGHT() Function

EXTRACT TEXT With LEN() and RIGHT() Function

Suppose you only want a specific text from a particular cell and avoid extra label like "Name:-" or whatever your database contain. To apply it and get the result you will have to follow the few step as mentioned below. First find out the total length of the particular cell text by using =LEN(A2) formula and apply in next to name column OR you can directly apply into the LEN function like this =RIght(A2,LEN(A2)-7) NAME:- <------(7) character. .Remember it always depends on your criteria so apply according to your criteria baseNOTE: LEN() function count the space too.Follow the step shown in image and video provided below. IMAGE EXAMPLE ONE : IMAGE EXAMPLE TWO :
NESTED SUMIF With Drop Down List

NESTED SUMIF With Drop Down List

FORMULAS, Maths, Text
Create a Drop Down List and then apply SUMIF formula in next cell. Just follow the below step to create drop down menu and then apply the Sumif formula First we need to create a drop down list.Select a cell where you want to have your drop down list.Go to Data TabGo to Data Validation and click on it and one dialog box will pop up.Select List from that dialog box and go down one step into source row in that dialog box.Now select the range for the data you want to create a drop down list. For Ex:- A2:A10Once Selected just hit ok button in the dialog box and your drop down list is prepared.Then in the next cell apply the NESTED SUMIF formula.For Example see the step shown in the image and a video provided below.
DROP DOWN List In Excel

DROP DOWN List In Excel

FORMULAS, Statistical, Text
For Creating a Drop Down List just follow the few step shown below. Select a cell where you want to have your drop down list.Go to Data TabGo to Data Validation and click on it and one dialog box will pop up.Select List from that dialog box and go down one step into source row in that dialog box.Now select the range for the data you want to create a drop down list. For Ex:- A2:A10Once Selected just hit ok button in the dialog box and your drop down list is prepared.For Example see the step shown in the image and a video provided below.
AND Function In Excel

AND Function In Excel

AND Function is a logical function in excel. Basically AND Function is used to fulfill more than 1 criteria and show result in the form of TRUE or FALSE. If a single criteria is not matching then as a result it will give you false. Suppose if you want to find the logical condition true or false as per example shown in image You can also use this AND function with other function in excel like SUM, Count, Countif, Countifs and many more.
OFFSET Funtion In Excel

OFFSET Funtion In Excel

FORMULAS, Lookup & Reference
OFFSET Function is used to move or skip either row or column or both. Suppose you want to know what data available after every 2 rows or column the offset function is the best choice to get perfect result. It also used with other available in excel to make it more powerful. For example =Sum(offset(A2,2,3,1,2)


FORMULAS, Maths, Statistical
SUBTOTAL is a great function available in excel. It only look the visible data and ignore the hidden data. So when you want to apply a Count function for only visible data only, when you are finding the data by applying filter or you have some hidden rows. The Count function count the number of numeric data available in the selected range. Use the formula at the end of your database where you want to apply this both function as shown in image and video example..
Vlookup with IF Condition

Vlookup with IF Condition

FORMULAS, Logical, Lookup & Reference
When using V-lookup with If logical condition it will determine that when a v-lookup should process and display a result. For Ex: with the help of If condition a user can decide that if a certain value exist then only apply a V-lookup else display a custom message or error. So its very much benefit to use both the function together.