Tuesday, February 18

More Functions

FLOOR Function in Excel

FLOOR Function in Excel

FORMULAS, More Functions, tips & Tricks
The FLOOR Function Rounds a Number Down to its Nearest Multiple of Significance. FLOOR Function helps us round Down the numbers as per the requirement. Syntax: =FLOOR(Number,Significance) Arguments: Number: This is the value that you want to Round Down. Significance: This is the Multiple that you want to Round Down. See the Examples in blow Image.
Formula On Text In Excel

Formula On Text In Excel

FORMULAS, More Functions
By default If there is text with numbers in excel cell, then that numbers are also counted as text format. So that no formulas can be used in this type of data. But to achieve it this can be possible with the use of custom number format. Example : See the image below. we have data in column B and column C that contains numbers and text both in a cell. Now we want to multiply column B with column C. But the formula doesn't work because the data in column B and column C also have text with numbers. An error occurs. This problem can be solved by using custom number format. The data in column B and column C will need to be converted from text format to number format. Follow the Steps Below. Note:- Follow the steps below before data entry. Select cells B4:B7 or colu...
STDEV (Standard deviation) Function in excel

STDEV (Standard deviation) Function in excel

FORMULAS, More Functions
STDEV (Standard deviation) Function returns a number that tells you how far numbers are from their mean (average). Syntax=STDEV (number1, [number2], …)Argumentsnumber1 - First number or reference in the sample.number2 - [optional] Second number or reference. For example, suppose you have a group of 10 students, and you are recording their result in percentage. In this data, the average result is 65 %, and the standard deviation is 4 %. It means that most of the student's result is within 4 % of the average result (which would be 62-69 %).
How to Permanently delete hidden Rows and Columns in Excel.

How to Permanently delete hidden Rows and Columns in Excel.

More Functions, tips & Tricks
Sometimes when working on Excel data, users hide unwanted multiple rows and columns.  Which they do not want to be visible.  And then deleting those multiple hidden rows and columns inside the data after the work is done is a time consuming task. Excel has an inbuilt function to find and delete hidden rows and columns at once. Steps - 1.Go to "File" Tab 2. Click On "info" 3. Click on "check for issues" 4. Click on "inspect document" 5. In the Document Inspector dialogue box, Click on “Inspect” 6. It will show hidden rows and columns in the option of “Hidden rows and columns”.  7. Click on “Remove All” button in it.  8. Close the dialog box.
Delete hidden Worksheets Permanently in Excel.

Delete hidden Worksheets Permanently in Excel.

More Functions, tips & Tricks
Sometimes when working on Excel workbook that contains many hidden worksheets which are not useful.  Unhiding hidden sheets and deleting one by one is time consuming task. Excel has an inbuilt function to find and delete hidden sheets at once. Note- Deleted Sheets can't be restored. And Can't be undo. Steps- Go to "File" Tab. Click on "Info" Click on "Check for issues" Choose "Inspect document" 5. In the Document Inspector dialogue box, Click on “Inspect” 6. It will show number of Hidden sheets in the option of “Hidden Sheets”.  7. Click on “Remove All” button in it.  8. Close the dialog box.
Delete hidden Data Permanently in Excel.

Delete hidden Data Permanently in Excel.

More Functions, tips & Tricks
Sometimes when working on Excel Data there might be a situation when many cells contains hidden data,  information, etc. which are not useful.  Unhiding them and deleting one by one is time consuming task. Excel has an inbuilt function to find and delete hidden data at once. Note- Deleted data can't be restored. And Can't be undo. Steps - Go to File Tab. Click on "Info" Click on "Check for issues" Click on inspect document. 5. In the Document Inspector dialogue box, Click on “Inspect” 6. It will show Hidden data in the option of “document properties and personal information”.  7. Click on “Remove All” button in it.  8. Close the dialog box.
SHEET Function To Check Sheets Environment In Excel

SHEET Function To Check Sheets Environment In Excel

FORMULAS, More Functions
DEFINITION:- SHEET Function Returns The Sheet Number Of The Referenced Sheet Based On Its Position In The Workbook. It Can Return The Sheet Number Of Any Worksheet Including Visible, Hidden Or Very Hidden As Well As Macro, Chart And Dialog Sheets. Sheet Function Is Used To Get The Index Number For A Given Sheet Reference. The Index Are The Sequence Numeric Value Of A Sheets In An Excel Workbook, Start From Left As Index Number 1. EXAMPLE 1 :- SHEET Function Returns The Sheet Number Of Active Sheet Based On Its Position In The Workbook. When No Arguments Are Provided The Sheet Function Returns The Index Number Of The Current Sheet. EXAMPLE 2 :- When The Reference Is Provided The Sheet Function Returns The Sheet Number Of The Referenced Sheet Based On Its Position In ...
Excel Type Function

Excel Type Function

FORMULAS, More Functions
DEFINITION:- Excel Type Function Returns The Type Of Value. We Can Use Type Function In Excel To Test The Value For A Particular Cells In Excel So That Another Functions That Depend On The Type Can Work As Accepted. The Excel Type Function Returns A Numeric Code That Refer To The Type. The Table Below Shows The Type Of Codes Returned By Type Function And The Meaning For Eacn Return Code. Return CodeDescription1For Number2For Text4For Logical Type (True Or False)16For Error Value64For Array