Sunday, December 22

Tag: excel

How To Insert Online Picture In Excel

How To Insert Online Picture In Excel

Insert Menu, Menu Bar
DEFINITION:- Online Picture Option Is Use To Download An Images Or Pictures Into Your Excel Worksheet From Other Sources. Steps:- Insert Tab > Click On The Online Pictures. (Its In The Illustrations Group.)In The Online Picture Dialog Box, Locate The Picture That You Want.Click On Insert • Bing Image Search - Bing (Default) To Use The Bing Search Engine To Locate Images On The Web Of A Particular Type That You Want To Add To Your Worksheet• One Drive Personal- One Drive To Locate Saved Images On Your Sky Drive To Add To Your Excel Worksheet Online Pictures Dialog Box Displays A Scrollable List Of Thumbnails Of The Photos Or Line Art That You Can Insert Into Your Current Worksheet.
Orientation In Excel

Orientation In Excel

Home Menu, Menu Bar
Definition:- The Orientation Command Can Adjust The Text Vertical And Diagonally By Rotating The Cells Text Clockwise And Counter-Clockwise 90 Degrees. Step 1- Select The Cell You Want To Format And Click On Orientation Button. Step 2 – Select The Option In The Orientation Options As Per Your Requirement And Get The Result. For Example:- Please Check The Image Below.
How To Use Copy Command In Excel

How To Use Copy Command In Excel

Home Menu, Menu Bar
Definition:- The Copy Command Help You To Reuse Any Data More Than Once To Avoid The Hard Work Of Rewriting Them. It Is Necessary To Use The Paste Command To Use The Copied To Get Rewrite. Step 1- Select The Data That You Want To Copy From Any Cell Or Range And Then Click On The Copy Button On Home Tab As Shown In Image. Shortcut = Ctrl + C Step 2- -  Select The Cell In Which You Want The Paste The Copied Data And Then Click On The Paste Option On Home Tab As Shown In Image. Shortcut = CTRL + V
Rank Function In Excel

Rank Function In Excel

Maths, Statistical
Open Excel File.Select The Cell Where you Want To The Result To Get Populated.Then Add This Formula In Particular Cell =RANK(10,A1:A10)There Is Third Optional Parameter (Ascending / Descending ) =RANK(10,A1:A10, 1 'For Ascending Order') or =RANK(10,A1:A10, 0 For Descending Order)Make Sure To Lock The Range By $ Sign.Descending Order Is By Default Set Optional Parameter.That's it :)
SEARCH Function In Excel

SEARCH Function In Excel

SEARCH function is used to find the position of the word or a character for the given cell reference similar as similar to Find function. Suppose in Cell A3 the text is :- Excel help is the best website and i want to Search that on which position "help" standing then Search function is the best choice to use in place of find function as its not a case sensitive function.. So As a result i will give 7 because help stand on 7th position. Example given below in image. FORMULA: =SEARCH(B2,A2,1)
SUM Formula In Excel

SUM Formula In Excel

SUM function is used to get automatic total of the numbers value in a selected range. Thereafter If you change the value in any of the selected range it will auto calculate and give you the exact final result. Please note that If there are text in some cell and some cell are with numeric value then sum function will ignore the text cells and will give you the result of numeric cells. It makes work very much easy when you have a large database. Example shown in image below. PARAMETER : = SUM ( RANGE ) FORMULA : =SUM(B2:F5)
COUNT Function In Excel

COUNT Function In Excel

FORMULAS, Statistical
Count function count how many numeric value are available in a selected range. If selected range is A2:B8 and if any cell contains text or it contain numeric value together with text or the cell is empty then the Count function will ignore all that in selected range and will count the cells that only contains the pure numeric value.. You Can also select the different range by giving separate reference . PARAMETER: =COUNT ( Value1, Value2 , Value3 ) ...... FORMULA = COUNT ( A2 : B4 , A5,:B8)


FORMULAS, Statistical
COUNTA counts the number of cells in a database (array) that are not empty. Suppose you select range A2 : C6 and in that range if 2 cells are empty then COUNTA function will not count those cells and give you the numeric result of the cells that contains any value text or numbers. You can also check by entering different range. For Example A2 : C6 + D2 : E6. Example shown in image and video PARAMETER: =COUNTA ( Value1, Value2, Value3 ) IMPLEMENT: Select the range either in value1 if your database is at the same location. But if you want to check in different range then use like this =COUNTA ( A2:B4 , A5:B8) if more you can add more range too. FORMULA (1) : =COUNTA(A2:B6) FORMULA (2): =COUNTA ( A2:B4 , A5:B8)